Glossary Term


The examination or testing of antigens to determine if a donor organ will “”match”” and be compatible with a potential recipient’s system. This routine test is often called tissue-typing and helps identify the most suitable recipient for a donated organ. ( April 2020, Organ Toolbox Workgroup , 2018 & Community Hospital Resource Guide Workgroup, 2019))

The examination of human leukocyte antigens (HLA) in a patient, often referred to as “tissue typing” or “genetic matching.” Tissue typing is routinely performed for donors and recipients in transplantation to help match the donor with the most suitable recipients to help decrease the likelihood of rejecting the transplanted organ. (OPTN Glossary May 2021, Terminology & Data Resources May 2021)

Tissue compatibility. Laboratories perform tests to determine the degree of histocompatibility between donor organs and potential recipients. With full histocompatibility between a donor and recipient, tissue can be transplanted without being rejected by the immune system of the recipient.