Glossary Term



The four steps used in the Model for Improvement developed to enhance organization performance; a cycle of developing, testing, measuring and implementing changes that result in improvement: The steps are as follows:
PLAN – State objective (what needs to be improved) and identify metric for measuring accomplishment of the objective; make predictions, hypotheses and develop a plan to carry out cycle
DO – Carry out the test, collect data or other info/ input needed; document problems, unexpected observations; and begin analysis of data
STUDY – Complete analysis of data; compare data to predictions; and summarize what was learned
ACT – Determine what changes are to be made, identify remaining and new questions and repeat the PDSA to continue exploring and implementing changes that result in progress toward stated objectives

The PDSA cycle was proven effective by the Organ Donation Breakthrough Collaborative and is being implemented throughout OPTN programs and polices. It is based on The Improvement Guide: A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance, by Gerald J. Langley, Kevin M. Nolan, Thomas W. Nolan, Clifford L. Norman and Lloyd P. Provist. Published by Jossey-Bass. See also Model for Improvement.
(OPTN Glossary May 2021)

The PDSA is a four-step model used for performance improvement. The steps are: plan, do, study, act. (Alliance Terminology & Data Resources May 2021)