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Hrsa Partner

HHS Honors Hospitals for Outstanding Organ Donation Efforts


The Division of Transplantation (DoT) of the Department of Health and Human Services’s Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has released recognition results from Phase IV of the Workplace Partnership for Life Hospital Organ Donation Campaign, sponsored by HRSA.

More than 730 hospitals and transplant centers were recognized recently for their outstanding voluntary efforts to promote organ donation between August 2014 and April 2015. This number represents a 56 percent increase in recognition over the previous phase of the campaign.

In addition, a number of state hospital associations, organ procurement organizations, and Donate Life America state teams were acknowledged for successfully partnering with hospitals and transplant centers in this campaign.

See a list of all those recognized here and view a “thank you” video featuring Admiral Sarah Linde, Assistant Surgeon General of the United States, here.

The Alliance is a national partner in the Hospital Campaign, which will be entering its fifth year this fall. The campaign is a national effort to mobilize the nation’s hospitals to increase the number of those registered as potential organ, eye, and tissue donors.

The campaign unites donation and healthcare associations and organizations with hospitals and transplant centers. Working together, teams leverage communications resources and outreach efforts to promote awareness of the critical need for donors. Hospitals earn points for each activity implemented and are awarded gold, silver, or bronze recognition based on point total.

Since the campaign’s launch in June 2011, the actions of more than 1,658 participating hospitals and transplant centers have stimulated more than 350,000 donor enrollments on state donor registries. The Alliance is proud to be one of 11 national partners supporting this campaign and we encourage more hospitals and transplant centers, state hospital associations, and donation organizations across the country to join in this vital effort to boost donor registration. For additional information about the Hospital Campaign, or to enroll, please visit the campaign website.

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