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Community Input from Annual Survey Drives Alliance Strategic Priorities

The second annual You Share, We Listen Community Survey was conducted to garner insights to inform the 2023 learning program topics and strategic planning process.

“Needs in the community are changing quickly and it is a priority for The Alliance to remain responsive to best practices and demands that may exist to help navigate changes,” says Karri Hobson-Pape, executive director of The Alliance. “It’s critical for us to get input from our broad array of partners so we can curate the highest priority issues and put forward the most valued programs.”

The 20-question survey, which was sent to more than 15,000 members of the donation and transplantation community, was managed by Deanna Fenton, senior manager of program development for The Alliance, who applies her analytical skills to identify insights across survey respondents based on their clinical and management roles and organizational type. Respondents had a wide variety of experience in the donation and transplantation field, including 20 percent with less than 5 years of experience and 20 percent with more than 21+ years of experience. Approximately 46 percent of respondents came from OPOs and 54 percent from transplant centers and other parts of the continuum.

Strategic Planning Process

A thorough analysis of strengths and opportunities launches the annual strategic planning committee process. Community feedback regarding valued benefits, current offerings, and program topics help to refine the mission of The Alliance and guide changes in content, collaboration and program delivery mechanisms. The survey results kick off the strategy mapping process and are a foundational component of the 2023 webinar planning process led by Alliance faculty workgroups.

Valued Benefits

Survey respondents across organizational types (transplant programs, OPOs and hospitals) rated emerging topics and trends and the sharing of effective practices as two of the most valuable benefits that The Alliance offers.

Transplant Programs OPOs Hospitals
1. Emerging Topics & Trends 1. Sharing of Effective Practices 1. Emerging Topics & Trends
2. Sharing of Effective Practices 2. Emerging Topics & Trends 2. Sharing of Effective Practices
3. Balanced & Objective Perspective 3. Community Collaboration and Networking 3. Continuing Education Credits

In 2022, The Alliance incorporated enhanced framing of its balanced and objective perspective by placing the following statement on digital information: “The Alliance is not an advocacy organization and always intends to maintain an objective and unbiased perspective.”  Additionally, staff worked to improve communications regarding CE opportunities available through Alliance programming.

Valued Offerings and Programs

The Alliance offers a wide portfolio of programs and initiatives, from learning programs and collaborative events, professional development and curated resources. Respondents rated the On-Demand Webinars, the live Advancement Learning Series, the Community Resource Toolbox, the National Critical Issues Forum and the Conversation Series among the most valuable offerings from The Alliance.

This was the first year we introduced our virtual Foundational Perspectives or Organ Donation one-day program, which had strong attendee feedback.

Transplant Programs OPOs Hospitals
1. On-Demand Webinars 1. On-Demand Webinars 1. On-Demand Webinars
2. Conversation Series 2. Advancement Learning Series (live) 2. Advancement Learning Series (live)
3. OnboardingU 3. Community Resource Toolbox 3. Conversation Series (DEI)
4. Mentorship Program 4. Conversation Series 4. National Donor Management Summit
5. Advancement Learning Series (live) 5. National Donor Management Summit 5. Insight & Spotlight Series

Other programs such as the National Donor Management Summit, the Insight & Spotlight Series, Foundational Perspectives of Transplant (OnboardingU), the Foundational Perspectives of Organ Donation Course, The Job Board, and The Alliance Mentorship Program received strong ratings yet are niche programs that serve a smaller audience. For example, there have been over 500 participants in the mentorship program.

Valued Topics

Respondents rated particular areas of focus through The Alliance’s programs and indicated the five topics that provide the greatest value to them are:

Transplant Programs OPOs Hospitals
1. QAPI, Survey Readiness, Data/Metrics 1. Hospital Education & Engagement 1. Hospital Education & Engagement
2.  Living Donation 2. Donor Management 2. Donor Management
3. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 3. Authorization 3. Increased Risk Donors / Organs
4.  Infectious Disease 4. Family Support & Aftercare 4. Policy Review & Information
5. Administrative Workflow & Process 5.  Clinical Pathways to Donation 5. Family Support & Aftercare

2022 marks the first year that topics such as xenotransplantation, administrative workflow and process management were program topics and respondents suggested additional topics for the future, including living donation, allocation and pediatric donation.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Programs

This year, several new questions on the survey explored ways to disseminate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) best practices in donation and transplantation. The on-demand webinars (Advancement Series) was revealed as the best way for our community to get this valued material, followed by live virtual experiences.  More than 75 percent of respondents indicated they would be interested in a DEI certification program.

Looking to the Future

Topics for next year’s Advancement Learning Series will be announced in November and topics for the Conversation Series will be announced by the end of the year.

The 2022+ strategic plan will also incorporate important requests from The Alliance’s invested parties who value enhanced convenience in their daily work, including a text notification option for registered participants of select learning programs.

“We strongly value the community’s feedback on how The Alliance can improve the educational resources offered. Our team is dedicated to continuous improvement to meet the needs and expectations of our colleagues, so we often leverage their recommendations to drive program development for the future,” says Fenton.

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